Who We Are

What is the Chamber All About?

The Clarke County Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization utilizing a committee system to promote the county for economic development and improvement in the quality of life for its citizens.

Mission Statement

“To unify the citizens of Clarke County; to foster growth in leadership, education, and economics; and to improve the quality of life.”

Why Join the Chamber?

  1. Membership Services:
    1. Membership Meetings
    2. Annual Awards Banquet
    3. Listing in New Membership Directory
  2. It stimulates economic growth
  3. It’s an investment in the county
  4. It keeps money at home
  5. It maintains a Small Business Library
  6. It’s informative and keeps you up to date

What the Chamber is Doing

  • Working with and for existing and new industry
  • Promote Keep Clarke County Beautiful program
  • Responds to numerous inquiries about the county and its towns
  • Co-sponsors seminars to bring new knowledge and information to the county
  • Represents Clarke County at meetings and conventions within our state and county
  • Serves as a link to various state agencies